Diary Comics Class


Class description

Sometimes it’s scary to start an art practice. What if it’s just for you?

Diary comics are one of my favorite kinds of comics.

They’re vulnerable and powerful.

They can be a way to get us unstuck.

They can be part of our process and part of making something bigger.

Most of all, diary comics are a gift to ourselves— that our life is worth noticing. It’s worth it to know ourselves a little more— and diary comics help us do that.

In class, we’ll explore some research about the benefits of keeping a diary. Then, we’ll dive into working through prompts, practicing new comics techniques, sharing our work, and building our capacity for bravery, tenderness, and joy in our comics while cultivating a diary comics practice.

Who: you, me, and up to 10 people (18+ years old)

What: Diary comics class!

When: 4 weeks | Monday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST | June 3, 10, 17, 24 2024 | $200

Where: zoom

Why: It’s a gift to cultivate your inner artist self in the company of encouraging souls


Sign up here!

I’ll be in touch to let you know if there’s a spot available